인터넷으로 콜로케이션 형용사 명사 조합을 찾아보면 대략 1700개가 넘는 조합이 나오는데요. 그만큼 가장 많이 쓰인다고 봐도 과언이 아닐 것 같아요. 너무 많아서 외울 수는 없을 것 같고 자주 봐서 익숙해지는데 최선인 것 같아 보입니다. 작문을 하다보면 나도 모르게 실수를 하게 되는 경우가 많은데, 자연스럽게 접하다 보면 실수도 적어지지 않을까 생각해 봅니다. 오늘은 1700개가 넘는 조합을 다 다룰 수는 없고, 몇 가지 적어 보도록 할게요.
Headword | Collocations |
ability – possession of the means or skill to do something/talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area. 유의어 – capacity, capability, potential, potentiality, power, faculty, talent, skill, expertise, expertness, adeptness, aptitude, skillfulness, aptness | cognitive ability |
abstract – an abstract thing or state 반의어- concrete | abstract concept |
abuse – use something to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse 유의어 – misuse, misapply, misemploy, mishandle, exploit, pervert, mishandling, exploitation, misapplication, mistreatment, ill use, maltreatment | sexual abuse |
academy – a place of study or training in a special field 유의어 – educational institution, training establishment, the center of learning, school | (in) academic circles, academic achievement, academic career, academic community, academic debate, academic discipline, academic discourse, academic institution, academic journal, academic life, academic performance, academic research, academic skills, academic study, academic success, academic work, academic world, academic writing, academic year |
accept – consent to receive or undertake 유의어 – receive, agree to receive, welcome, take, take receipt of, get, gain, believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in | accept responsibility, acceptable behaviour, socially acceptable, widespread acceptance, (be) commonly accepted, (be) generally accepted, (be) universally accepted, (be) widely accepted |
access – the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place 유의어 – entrance, entry, way in, means of entry, ingress, approach, fit, attack, bout, outpouring, eruption, explosion, outburst | allow access (to), deny access (to), direct access, easy access, electronic access, equal access, free access, gain access (to), give access (to), have access (to), internet access, limited access, online access, open access, provide access (to), public access, ready access, unlimited access, easily accessible, readily accessible |
account – a report or description of an event or experience / consider or regard in a specified way / a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period or purpose. 유의어 – description, report, version, story, narration, statement, financial record, book, ledger, journal, balance sheet, consider, regard as, reckon, hold to be, think, think of as | brief account, comprehensive account, historical account |
accurate – (especially of information, measurements, or predictions) correct in all details / exact / (with reference to a weapon, missile, or shot) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target. 유의어 – correct, precise, exact, right, errorless, error-free, without-error, well aimed, on target, unerring, deadly, lethal, sure | great accuracy, accurate assessment, accurate description, accurate information, accurate measurement, accurate picture, accurate record |
achieve– Successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage. 유의어-attain, reach, arrive at, realize, carry off, bring off, pull off | achieve (a) goal, achieve (an) objective, achieve (an) outcome, academic achievement |
acquire – buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself. /Learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality) 유의어 – obtain, come by, come to have, get, receive, gain, earn, win | acquire knowledge, newly acquired |
act – take action: do something / behave in the way specified / a thing done, a deed. / a pretence 유의어 – take action, take steps, take measures, take the initiative, move, behave, function, react, perform, conduct oneself, acquit oneself, deed, action, gesture, feat, exploit, move, performance, pretence, false display, show, front, facade, masquerade, charade | sexual act, appropriate action, collective action, legal action, military action, positive action, active involvement, active participant, active participation, active role, (be) actively involved, political activism, commercial activity, cultural activity, economic activity, engage in (an) activity, human activity, learning activity, physical activity, political activity, professional activity, related activity, social activity, undertake (an) activity |
acute – present or experienced to a severe or intense degree / having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight; shrewd. 유의어- severe, critical, drastic, dire, dreadful, terrible, awful, grave, astute, shrewd, sharp, sharp-witted, razor-sharp, rapier-like, quick | particularly acute, acutely aware |
add– join something to something else so as to increase the size, number or amount 유의어 – attach, build on, add on, put on, put in, append, adjoin, join | add information |
additional– added, extra or supplementary to what is already present or available 유의어-extra, added, supplementary, supplemental, further, auxiliary | additional cost, additional information, additional problem, additional resources, additional support |
address– the particular of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. / a formal speech delivered to an audience. 유의어 – inscription, label, mark, superscription, directions, speech, lecture, talk, monologue, dissertation, discourse, oration, label, direct, inscribe, superscribe, send, mail, communicate, talk to, give a talk to, give an address to, speak to, make a speech to | address (an) issue |
adjust-alter or move something slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result/assess when settling an insurance claim 유의어-modify, alter, regulate, tune, fine-tune, balance, calibrate, adapt, get used, accommodate, acclimatize | structural adjustment, make adjustments |
administrate – less common term for administer | public administration, administrative practices |
adopt – legally take and bring it up as one’s own / choose to take up, follow, or use 유의어: embrace, take on, acquire, affect, espouse, assume, appropriate | adopt (a) procedure, adopt (an) approach, (be) widely adopted |
advance – move forward in a purposeful way / make or cause to make progress / a forward movement / done, sent, or supplied beforehand. 유의어 – move forward, proceed, move along, press on, push on, push forward, promote, further, forward, help, aid, assist, facilitate, boost, progress, headway, moving forward, forward movement, approach, breakthrough, development, step forward, step in the right direction, preliminary, leading, forward, foremost, at the fore, sent on ahead. | advanced economy, advanced technology, technological advances |
advantage – a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position. / Put in a favorable or superior position. 유의어- Upper hand, edge, lead, head, whip hand, trump card, superiority. | major advantage |
adverse– preventing success or development, harmful, unfavorable 유의어- unfavorable, disadvantageous, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate. | adverse effect, adverse reaction, adversely affect |
affair– an event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to. / a sextual relationship between two people, one or both of whom are married to or in a long-term relationship with someone else. 유의어-event, incident, happening, occurrence, phenomenon, eventuality, relationship, love affair, romance, fling, flirtation, dalliance, liaison. | economic affairs, financial affairs, internal affairs |
affect – have an effect on / make a difference to, touch the feelings of, move emotionally, infect or be present in someone. 유의어: influence, exert influence on, have an effect on, act on, work on, upset, trouble, hit hard, overwhelm, devastate, damage, hurt. | affect (the) development (of), affect (the) outcome, adversely affect, directly affect, severely affect, significantly affect, (be) directly affected |
agency – a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group. / Action or intervention producing a particular effect. 유의어: business, organization, company, firm, office, bureau, concern, action, activity, effect, influence, force, power, work, means. | federal agency, regulatory agency |
agenda– a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting. / An appointment diary. 유의어: list of items, schedule, programme, timetable, line-up, list, listing. | political agenda, set (the) agenda |