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Sneak up on something / somebody
무언가/ 누군가가 불쑥 나타나다
Dana had snuck up behind Roy’s seat and ambushed him.
Wriggle free
교모하게 빠져나가다.
When Roy tried to wriggle free, Dana mushed his face against the window.
V. 눈을 가늘게 뜨고 보다 / n. Squint 사시
It was then, squinting through the smudged glass.
adj. 뻣뻣한
The boy was straw-blond and wiry, and his skin was nut-brown from the sun.
n. 선수단
adj. 다리를 저는, 쩔둑거리는, 설득력이 없는
The cowgirl remark was so lame, it was not worth getting mad about.
adj. 신선하지 않은, 퀴퀴한
Dana’s breath smelled like stale cigarettes.
n.꿀꿀거리다, v. 끙 앓는 소리를 내다.(흥미가 없어서 내는소리)
That’s right, Curly grunted over his shoulder.
adj. 듬성듬성 자란
The policeman couldn’t see what there was to be vandalized on the property, which was basically a few acres of scraggly weeds.
n. 잡동사니, v. (귀찮은일을)떠맡다
Curly stopped walking and pointed at a short piece of lumber on the ground.
v. 홱 잡아 당기다
They yanked them out of the ground, every damn one.
adv. 걸걸하게, 무뚝뚝하게
They didn’t break none of the stakes, he said gruffly.
adj. 짜증을 내는, 화가난
“What I am trying to explain,” Curly said irritably, “it’s not that they messed up the survey stakes, it’s them screwing up our whole construction schedule. That’s where it will cost some serious bucks.””
adj. 도둑맞은
Curly grabbed him under one arm and hoisted him to his feet.
tripped over
발에 걸려 넘어지다.
“That’s what you tripped over,”
v. 노려보다 n. 노려봄, 쏘아봄
He scowled when he saw the policeman write down “foreman”instead.
n.(농담으로하는) 장난
Kids usually didn’t go to that kind of trouble when pulling a prank.
n. 장난기, 나쁜짓
It’s trespassing and malicious mischief.
adj.접어 넣은, 답답한, 꼼짝 못하는
Curly tucked the card into the breast pocket of his foreman shirt.
fire away
(명령형태로 쓰임) 말하세요.
“Fire away”, said Curly, wiping his brow with a yellow bandanna.
v. 빙그레 웃다.
Curly the foreman chuckled.
adj. 우락부락하게 생긴, 험준한 바위 투성이의
Back in Montana you had steep craggy mountains that rose ten thousand feet into the clouds.